About Me

Planning your wedding is not complex at all if you decide to trust us with this matter.
This short guide will help you find out more about our services.

Discuss your wedding with our planners

Initial Consultation


free consultation and budget definition

To make your wedding the best it can be, we recommend to consult with us first. Our team of wedding planners and vendors is always glad to provide you with necessary recommendations and tips on planning the most important event in your life.





We as a team committed to excellence and execution.

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Nora Arrifin


My name is Nora Ariffin Chua. I am 37 years of age and a proud citizen of Malaysia truly Asia . I am doing matriculation and professional wedding planner manager with the experience of above 10 years. I have been awarded as the best event manager for straight 2 times at national and international levels.

Event managers plan and manage events for business, promotional as well as social occasions. They're accountable for the management of many events, and ensuring that the public is involved and that the message is effectively promoted. Events play a significant role in the performance of a brand or an organisation.

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